Thursday, October 28, 2010

Philips Norelco 7810 Men's Cutting System Review. The new 7810 features the Precision Cutting System with slots to cut long hairs and holes to shave the shortest stubble. Also, the 7810 features an ergonomically-designed handle for comfort. Cleaning is simple with the 7810 as it is completely washable. The Patented Reflex Action System automatically adjusts to every curve on your face for flexible, smoother shaving. Super Lift and Cut technology features a dual blade system that lifts hairs to cut comfortably below skin level....
"Excelent shaver" 2009-01-03
By Descartes (Miami, FL USA)
I have been using Norelco electric razors since 1989. My last product was the model 6843XL that I bought in 2005, I replaced the cutting heads twice. Recently I bought this model 7810XL an it is awesome. It's very noticeable the closer shaving that you get. The speed of the cutting heads is higher and quiet. The design of the cover of the head has different patterns, lines as the former but also little holes that catch the shortest remaining stuble. The capability of to be cleaned with hot water under the faucet is an additional advantage.
I recommend to any that previously own an old model that try this one.
"Best of the electric razors" 2010-01-28
By Sank (Midwest)
I've used almost every high end electric razor on the market in the last 15 years. I've had the Braun, both the pulsonic and the 7 series. I've had the Panasonic and I've had several Norelcos. The only model I've not tried are any of the Remmingtons, based on their consistanly poor reviews.
In summary, if you looking to go to electric you have to choose between the foil shavers, like the Braun and Panasoinc or the rotery model, like Norelco. My experience with foil shavers is that they seem to cause more ingrown hairs on my face, than any other method of shaving. The Panasonic in particular almost cuts too close, and left me with razor burn. I tried shaving with it "wet" as they advocate, with cream.. this method left me with a 5:00 shadow at about 11:15.. and made a huge mess. If I was going to futz with shaving cream I'd use blade.
Which in the end, not one electric I've ever used does as good a job as a cheap disposable blade.. except this one.
Prior to this razor I had been using one of the 8000 series models with the "faster shave" heads, those have three rings of holes on them. The claim being it was 50% faster and X amount closer. I found those heads to be pretty irritating to my face, even after a year of using it, and it seemed to pull my skinn and missed more whiskers than I'd expect, leading to ingrown hairs or that super long solo whisker you missed all week that your wife plucks off with a tweezer right before you go out with her.. ouch.
The 8000 series is about $20.00 to $30.00 more than this model as well. Years ago my first Norelco was a 7000 series and I remembered it being very good. With that in mind, when my 8000's blades dulled and it was time for a new set.. rather than spend $40.00 on new blades I figured and extra $20.00 for a whole new razor. Not wanting to spend $200 on the top of the line, I stepped down this time, and I'm very glad I did.
The heads on this razor are better than the more expensive model, it shaves closer, comfortably, than any razor I've used.. which was too close, and it does so in a way that is very comfortable and easy to use. No pulling skin no missed hairs, no ingrown hairs, and no rash like the panasonic.. And, although I like the cleaning base for the Braun, it was like haveing a new razor every shave, it was still $6.00 a month just for the cleaning solution. This one is just about perfect.
The only complaint I have, as they've cut costs on these things, Norleco has eliminated the carrying case, very handy when you travel as the blade cover comes off easy and if you nick a blade.. you're screwed and they've eliminated the charger stand.. a very very nice place to store the unit when you're at home. I'd pay for those things to get them added back in the box.
This is a no frills razor that works fantastic, and the price is certainly right. Highly reccomended.
"Better than expected" 2010-03-29
By J. Lumpkin (USA)
I used Norelcos for 25 years and recently had to make the choice between replacing my older 4817XL or paying $55 to have someone put in the battery I already paid $15 to get. I figured I would try to put the battery in myself and if it did not work, I would buy a new shaver. Since you are reading this review, you know what happened. Nevertheless, this is a good time to note all folks considering a Norelco - unless you are good with a soldering iron, you are going to face the same choice I did when the battery eventually dies.
I was happy with the 4817XL because it did the job and was well built (obviously lasting many years). Reading all the reviews for newer shavers had me concerned because there did not appear to be any one shaver that people clearly loved. Every shaver had some serious detractors and the detractors made excellent points.
Norelco's web site is useless for comparing shavers. They have a nice comparison feature that is really slick, but not all the data populates for all the shavers. The data that is available does not clearly differentiate the shavers. Not only was it difficult to tell the differences between shavers in the same series, it was not easy to figure out why you would want to consider a shaver at the next higher level. Makes you wonder how much of a difference there really is. This left me with the hundreds of reviews on Amazon and other sites to figure out which one to buy.
The artic looked cool, but most of the reviews were average. Oddly, the complaint with the razor was that it failed to perform in the areas most important to the device - so I quickly ruled it out. Did not see much sense in paying a premium if there were issues with the basics. I also ruled out the 8245 from Costco because it had lower rating and lot of complaints. Same with the 8420.
This left me with the 8250, 8260, 7810, 7340, 7120 and probably a few others. The list was further narrowed to a comparison between the 8250, 8260, 7810, and 7340 by the fact that I now needed a razor ASAP and had to shop locally. The 8260 was not available at the closest store, but I was able to view it in the display case. I recall one reviewer commenting on the poor stand design and after seeing it, I agree. Maybe it the shaver was $10 more for the plastic stand then the 8250, but at nearly double the price, no thank you.
I really was not sure what the difference was between the 7810 and 7340, but two things struck me. First, the 7810 was the only shaver that got a 4.5 average star rating at Amazon. Nothing else was close. Second, it just felt better in my hand then the 7340. It was like someone actually thought about the fact that a shaver should fit a hand. Something my now dead 4817XL did not do.
The 8250 has the same basic feel, but it was $25 more. The $25 bought a pivoting head and 3 shaving heads. I just could not figure out why this was a good thing. Maybe this comes from using a shaver that did not have one, but I could not determine what this was going to do differently that simple moving my hand. Maybe it made the shave more efficient, but Amazon reviews seem to indicate shavers with the HQ9 blades were actually less efficient and less effective. I am not sure why that is, but it was a consistant complaint amongst folks that tried both series.
I went with the 7810XL. It actually had a charge out of the box, but to be on the safe side, I charged it and then I used it. Wow! It was definitely better than by 4817XL. Norelco's dynamic contour feature made a huge difference in the areas on my head that were curved - there was much greater surface to surface contact so the razor performed better with less effort. Not that the 4817XL was particularly heavy to begin with - especially in comparison to the earlier Norelcos I used, but the light weight of the 7810XL made it easier to work with.
The feature I like the most is the ability to simply flip the top and wash away the hair. It takes seconds to do it and it improves the shave. With the 4817XL, you just waited until the shaver clogged up and started spitting hairs back out to know when it was time to clean. It was like this looming penalty because when it was time to clean it, it was going to take some time and invariably, I would find myself having to clean it when I was pressed for time.
Reading the manual for the 7810XL suggests there is more maintenance to this shaver than I recall having to do with the 4817XL, but it is possible over the years I simply failed to perform all the steps I should have been doing. Still, I do not recall ever needing to oil the old razor, but then again, that kind of makes sense that one would do that.
The 7810XL is lighter because it uses a lot more plastic then metal and less parts. I am not sure it that equates to better or lower reliability. Certainly, now I could actually break a part that I could not break before. However, those older metal parts were no where near as easy to clean. It may not matter which one is better made because I will probably end up facing the choice again between an expensive battery replacement and a new shaver so it probably just has to last as long as the battery.
"Best Shaver I Ever Purchased" 2009-06-04
By Carlos Brewster
Usually I use these reviews as my guide as to whether or not i'll buy the product or not and let me tell you the reviews were all accurate on this shaver. It's really great. It makes very little noise which makes you think well is it really doing anything but trust me its doing everything.
If your wondering whether or not to purchase this shaver or not dont wonder anymore. Take it from someome who doesn't write a lot of reviews. I had to write a review on this shaver though because its worth every penny.
Oh one more thing. You can clean it right under the running water in your sink because its water proof. I mean what more do you want. Ok stop reading this review and buy the razor :)
"Norelco 7810" 2008-09-29
By Peter Oakes
I got my first Norelco in Germany in 1954 and have use them since. Got the 7810 model because it was made in Holland, not China and was a $20 off sale. It has Li-Ion battery but still needs to use until runs out and then recharge. When that happens you can wait a few second and turn on and use for a short time or plug it in, use and then leave pugged to recharge - take about an hour and has flashing light when done. First charge takes a long time. Hot water wash is nice - I rest mine on the heads so water drains off.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Philips Norelco BG2030 Professional BodyGrooming System Review. The all-over Bodygrooming system, with specific trimming and shaving attachments, optimized for sensitive bodyzones...
"Hands-down the best "body groomer" I've ever used. Period." 2008-12-04
By NLH (New York, NY)
Ok, so I'm a pretty hairy guy. For the past 8 years I've tried about 10 different razor/clipper/trimmer products to clean up my chest/stomach area and I've yet to find one that I really, truly liked. Either it was a straight electric razor which cut everything down to zero (not the goal), or some sort of "trimmer" device which invariable failed to work properly.
The BG2020 was the closest I'd gotten to something useful...It would take me a solid 30 minutes and LOTS of back-and-forth over the same areas, but if you held it juuuust so, you could get the job done. It was a pain -- I'd have to dedicate some time, and because my bathroom lights are pretty hot, after standing there trimming for 20 minutes I'd start to sweat, so I'd have to take a break and come back and finish later. All-in-all, a process, but the job got done.
I got the BG2030 in the mail this morning and all I can say is that I'm *stunned* at how well it works. I hooked up the trimmer attachment and gave it a quick whirl before I got into the shower...just to see how it worked. I was so amazed at how quickly it trimmed everything down, that I just did the whole job right there in about 5 minutes. No exaggeration -- what used to take a solid 30 minutes took LESS than 5 minutes with the BG2030. Nothing more needs to be said -- if you want a quick, simple, easy way to trim down body hair, this is the best product I've ever used. Period.
Now, for other areas (the "nether regions"), it's not quite so miraculous -- that's not to say it doesn't work, and it does, but it's no better than the BG2020, which worked perfectly. So this will continue to work perfectly down there as well.
All in all, a 5-star product and worth the extra money over the BG2020 without hesitation.
"Careful on the "kiwis"; otherwise, superb." 2009-06-25
By B. I.
I love this unit. It's got a great styling, lots of options for trimming (mowing) and shaving, and its battery lasts long enough to do my arms, pits, chest, and groin.
I was surprised at how well it did plowing through my thick arm hair. Don't use this unit if you, or it, are sticky or damp. The attached guides are shiny poreless plastic and will tend to stick, or hop across your skin, if you are sweaty or in a humid environment.
For the 'nether regions' (kiwis, banana, and starfruit), this thing does a knockout job. For trimming down there it's pretty easy and effective. For shaving, you have to spend a lot more time making sure to get all the hairs, but it's worth it. Doing several light, circular passes [AFTER "MOWING DOWN" ALL THE LONG HAIRS] with shaving cream works like a dream. You just have to make sure to shave down there every other day, or you'll have a not-so-comfy case of the prickles.
My two warnings:
1. Do not get this if you can't stand to plan your trim/shave. Because it has a ni-cad battery, it's much better for the battery life to let it completely run out before recharging it. Don't plug it in unless it's dead.
2. I got a slight, though disarming, nick on my kiwis when using the shaver head. It was working fairly well, as usual, but the wrinkles inherent in this part of a male's anatomy made for an 'uh-oh' moment that caught me off guard. The culprit wasn't the foil screen part of the shaver head, but the edge-trimmer section on the side of the shaver head.
To prevent #2 from happening, you need to:
A) make sure to hold the unit at the proper angle (head perpendicular to the skin surface at all times)
B) carefully chop down all hair on and around your "kiwis" with the trimmer head and attachment first.
C) strrrrrrrrretch your "kiwi" skin to be as flat and smooth as you can stand. Lumps and wrinkles might end up in the tiny teeth of the shaver head's side-mounted edge trimmers.
Aside from that, this thing is incredible. It does its job, and it does it extremely well! I can't imagine having the BG2020 model after this one. I'm now hairless down there and there are several hygienic and sexual advantages to this.
Thanks, Norelco, for helping me achieve new pleasures in the bedroom and new comforts in the boxers!
"Blessing in disguise" 2009-01-25
By Hairy dude
God makes some people short and some people tall, some people are born ugly and some people are born good-looking, some people are hairless and some are hairy!!!
God made me hairy (psss...I am tall and good-looking too) now to those who do not have this are truly blessed...but if you are like really know the trouble and pain of maintaining the hair on your body. To this Philips Norelco BG2030 Professional BodyGrooming System is a blessing in disguise.
This was my first time buying a Philips electronic razor and I have to say...I am impressed by it. It removes the hair and makes your skin soft and looking as if there were no hair to begin with!!! I use it for my under-arm, groin area, stomach and facial hair trimming. It does not pain when you use it, it cleans well and looks great too!! All in all, it is a wonderful product.
The attachments are also very useful. The razor is also of good quality, no breaking or cracking as the other reviews for other models of Philips Norelco say.
I usually don't even write reviews, but for this, I had to...cause it has made my life so easy! Thank you engineers behind Philips Norelco BG 2030, you guys ROCK!
"As advertised" 2008-12-06
By Thomas Aiello (SI, NY)
The product has blown me away, the several diffrent head attachments work well, The system works extremly well.
The big sell for me was the wet Dry application. I Actaully find myself shaving less than I did before becuase the razer gets so close & with no iritaion.
The price was nothing special, I paied $50.00 for it on Amazon & have seen it for the same amount in Target as recently as last week. But the shipping was free so no big deal, I just expect to save a few $$ when I shop on Amazon, Anyway, it's worth the money.
"What the Bodygroom should've been:" 2009-07-07
By Daniel J. Staggers (Buffalo)
My old bodygroom had seen better days and it's third foil was due to be replaced. Instead, I got this on sale at Target for 36 bucks and it's much better then the original.
It's a much better built machine and it feels like it. It's also about half as quiet. Beware however, it's a bit narrower and can slip out of your hand much easier. The foil on this one is really tight and doesn't constantly fall out.
The tool holder works great and is really neat. You'd never know all that stuff was back there built into the base. The battery life is the same as the old one; meaning, GREAT! I tried the other head on someone else and it works fine. I can't use it on me, because I was constantly screwing around with the old one, so I said the heck with it and completely shaved all my body hair off. Now, I've come to prefer it that way and so does my wife.
Many people say this doesn't shave completely smooth, I have very fine hair which is the toughest on it and while there is a little stubble, it's barely noticable. In fact, it's probably better then any foil shaver out there period!
Obviously, there was much interest in the old Bodygroom that they took the time to build this one. And, it answers every complaint I ever had about the old one in spades.
Great Precision Machine! Hats off to the new Bodygroom.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Proactiv Solution 3 Step System Kit, 2 Month Supply Review. Our basic clear skin kit includes full-size bottles of the essential Proactiv® Solution system. This system, developed by dermatologists, uses Combination TherapyTM to help heal and stop breakouts at their source.
Renewing Cleanser to wash away excess oil and dirt
Revitalizing Toner to balance skin tone
Repairing Lotion to help attack bacteria...
"This is all I will use, irreplaceable!!" 2009-04-06
By A. Boston (Boston, MA United States)
I started using proactiv when I was around 22. I had never had acne problems as a teen, but all of a sudden around 21, I would get these large painful cystic blemishes maybe once or twice a month on my chin. They tore down my self esteem whenever I had one. I would be afraid to leave the house and try and schedule my life around the stupid things. These were not little baby white heads, They would take a week or more to come to a head and hurt like you would not believe during that process. Then, they'd take forever to heal. I'm fair with freckles, so a honkin' red mountain the size of a nickel or dime was not good.
I ordered proactiv and have never gone back. Though there has been a time when I tried using only the face wash/scrubby stuff, it doesn't work by itself and I started to break out again. The key really is using the three steps together. Once you get used to it, it's not so tedious to have to go through all three steps. I'm 28 now. I rarely breakout and they're SO much smaller now and really can be attributed to 'that time' of the month. Everyone gets a blemish now and then, but no one should have to live with them every day. We're a household of proactiv users, as my boyfriend uses it daily as well.
For the price I wouldn't hesitate to go and try it for a couple months(thru the proactiv website). I know it's NOT super cheap, but now knowing how it works, I would pay double in a heart beat. And honestly, it takes me probably about 6 months to go thru one kit, so it the end it's not bad at all. Also, some simple tips: Make sure your pillowcase is clean, never go to sleep with makeup on, don't touch your face unnecessarily and don't lean your face on a phone/cell phone. Those few things actually helped a lot as well!
"great product" 2009-01-12
By C. aguilar (usa)
I have used this product for over a year and after 10 years having acne i finally got rid all my pimples. I am so glad this product exist
"ProActiv Works" 2008-12-20
By Michael R. Jeffers (Hereford, AZ United States)
Bought the 3-step system for my son, and we seen his face become really clearer.
"excellent results" 2009-04-22
By C.W.
Works very well. Allow a few days to a week or two before best results are seen.
"Proactive" 2009-12-28
By Cathy (Florida)
Recommended. This was a Christmas gift. Great price. No hassles with having to sign up for monthly shipments (autoship) like you have to when you order direct from Proactive website!! Will definitely order from seller again.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bio-Oil, 2-Ounce Bottle Review. Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare product that is recommended for scars, stretch marks, uneven tone, aging and dehydrated skin. It is formulated for use on both the face and body. Bio-Oil contains the breakthrough ingredient PurCellin Oil which helps ensure the targeted delivery of its key ingredients: Vitamins A and E; Lavender, Calendula and Rosemary oils and Chamomile extract. Bio-Oil is recommended for: Scars - Helps reduce the appearance of both new and old scars by improving the condition of skin with scar tissue; Stretch Marks - Helps prevent stretch marks during periods of rapid change in body size as pregnancy, adolescence and weight loss. Helps reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks; Uneven Skin Tone - Helps reduce the appearance of pigmentation marks and blemishes; Aging Skin - Helps smooth and tone sagging and wrinkled skin by helping to improve the skin's elasticity; Dehydrated Skin - Helps protect against the drying effects of water and climate; lubricates and rel...
"Great for scars, uneven skin tone, moisturizing, stretch marks, but be PATIENT with the results" 2008-03-14
By A. Roberts (High Desert, California)
Heck not every product out there is a miracle worker, I am sure very few give overnight results. I began using this product every single day about two months ago and it works WONDERS. First you can use it for stretch marks but with a 2 oz. bottle I would stick with small areas. Then you can use it for scars and to moisturize your face and neck, ladies! You must follow the instructions even though they are pretty simple. If I am using this for acne scars, skin discolorations (sun exposure), uneven skin tone I apply either over makeup (may not be recommended as this could remove your makeup)and on a freshly washed face. I use the lengths of my fingers not fingertips since they produce the oils that could cause you breakouts from YES touching your face. I rub into the affected area or scar (even works on cystic acne scars) atleast two to three times a day when I am able to. But if not I do this at night before going to bed. Be patient and wait one to two weeks before you notice a big difference as the scar gets lighter your face appears to be glowing and skin discolorations slowly fade. Keep on it atleast everyday and if you want faster results like I did then rub this oil into the area two to three times a day. I am glad I bought this and one bottle lasted me over two months and I used it everyday! Give this product a try, be patient, follow the directions and you may not be disappointed.
"A Must have for anyone having Or had Surgery ! Especially Women Of Color !" 2008-04-06
By Yolanda Allison (NEW YORK CITY , NY)
I brought and used this product after seeing it advertised on Tv . My surgery was Last Sept 2007. I've been using this product for 1 month now . It's Great ! I need to re-order now. My Scares were very Deep & Ugly !
Women of Color , You Need this !
"Worked for me!" 2008-12-06
By telconc (North Carolina)
I saw a commercial on TV and it caught my eyes. Immediately ordered it (from Amazon, of cource). I've been struggling with acne for years, I have acne scars all over my face (I'm in 30s). Although I don't get many breakouts as I used to, I still have one or two zits come out and they are big, painful ones. When they finally heal, it leaves dark, red-brownish scar. I really wanted them go away.
I've read all the mixed reviews, so didn't expect much. But it worked! I am pleasantly surprised. I only applied at night after I wash my face. Though the texture is light for oil, it does get greasy when applied, I don't think it's appropriate for morning application on face. As many have mentioned, it is oil afterall. However, when I woke up in the morning, greasiness are gone and my skin feels soft and moisturized.
I've been using this once a day for 3 weeks now and I DO see a difference. The unevenness and redness are significantly reduced. I'm not saying they are completely gone, but acne scars look much lighter now. A surprizing side effect is that I haven't got any breakout since I started using this product. My skin is finally acne-free! I've tried many, many things over the years, but never thought of applying oil on my skin rather tried to avid it. I don't know if this still works during summer time as my skin tends to get oily, but I'll keep using it. I know it didn't work for some people but it did great job on my acne-prone skin. Thank you Bio-Oil!!
"Recommend for all pregnant women" 2008-05-25
By E.S (College Park, MD)
I was given this product first by a friend from England as she had had lots of success with her stretch marks. At the time I didn't use it but then I got pregnant and of course those stretch marks started to arrive. I loved the feel of the oil on my skin and found that it really helped in reducing the itching while my body was stretch into forms I knew not. I do have stretch marks but I feel the oil kept them down and also helped my skin deal with the pregnancy. I have also found that when I have a cold it was a great product to dab on my nose and stopped it from drying out. I love this product and now always have a bottle near by.
It is 4 months since I gave birth to my son and I have been using Bio-Oil on my stretch marks almost every day. I have found my stretch marks look a lot better. I do have one on my side that I always seem to miss and I can see a difference between that one that has not received any Bio-Oil in the sense it is a lot redder than the others.
"My Skin Sez: Bio-Oil is a Winner!" 2008-03-25
By Alejandra Vernon (Long Beach, California)
The biggest test with any skin cream or oil with me, is will I be able to tolerate it, because my skin is so sensitive. Bio-Oil was such a pleasure to smooth on and massage in; my skin must have been thirsty, because it soaked in and feels like silk after applying it per directions ("massaging gently with the fingertips in a circular motion until fully absorbed"). It has practically no scent (and the slight aroma is quite pleasant) and does not leave a greasy feeling on your hands (your hands are actually getting the benefit of this marvelous oil as you apply it!).
My testing area for this product is a disaster area: My famously scraggly neck, and also the increasingly crepey skin on my upper chest. I will diligently apply Bio-Oil twice a day on these 2 areas and post an update to this review in 30 days. It is supposed to be good for aging skin, which at 63, would be my category, as well as scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, and dehydrated skin. If I see an improvement, this will be my skincare product for the rest of my life, because I love the feel of it!
The bottle is well designed with a plastic insert so that you get a small measured amount on your fingertips (ever get those bottles from the health stores that plop out a mess of oil all over you?) and the 2 fl. oz of oil looks like it will last a while, unless I go crazy with it and use it from head to toe every day. Thank you Bio-Oil, so far so good!
Update 4/4/08: I didn't have to wait that long to see big results. Now it's 10 days after the first application, and the improvement on my upper chest is most noticible. Scraggly neck looks much better too. Thank you Bio-Oil!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Groom Mate Platinum XL Nose & Ear Hair Trimmer Review. The Groom Mate Platinum XL nose & ear hair trimmer is our best selling battery-free trimmer. The vast majority of our customers agree that the Platinum XL is
far superior to any battery operated model. We offer an unconditional lifetime warranty on the Platinum XL which simply means that you should never have to purchase another nose hair trimmer. The patented rotary cutting blades are guaranteed to never come in contact with the sensitive areas of your nostrils and your hairs are gently trimmed, not pulled like most of the battery models available.
The Platinum XL nose hair trimmer is made from solid stainless steel and is guaranteed to never rust or corrode. Clean-up is easy; simply hold the Platinum XL under running water to rinse out the hairs or for more thorough cleaning simply remove the small set screw to remove the inner shaft.
Operation of the Platinum XL nose hair trimmer is quite easy. Simply position
the rotary blade end of the trimmer inside the nostril and twist t...
"The Platinum XL vs. the TrimIt ...And the Platinum XL Wins!" 2007-07-21
By Stardreamers (United States)
I was intrigued to try a non-battery operated nose/ear trimmer, and after speaking with the company, I decided to try the Platinum XL (U.S made two-handed model) and the TrimIt (Japanese made one-handed model)both sold by Groom Mate. Let me say that this company is very open to questions and really tried to make me happy with my purchase. I like that, and it is so rare in today's marketplace.
Both of the nose/ear trimmers arrived sealed and brand new. Both were better made than I expected, much better made; the Platinum XL was notably hefty and durable. Another rare find in today's world of cheap throw-away consumables.
I was fully expecting the Japanese made one-handed TrimIt model to wipe the floor with the two-handed XL, but I was wrong. Using two hands to twist and guide the XL made for a faster and closer nose trimming experience. Also, the tactile feel of using two hands made me feel more in control.
When I went to my ears, I feared that having to use two hands to use the XL trimmer would lead to a clumsy experience: That fear was unfounded. The Platinum XL works great on the ears, and I had no fear of nicking either.
The TrimIt works nice, but I often feel that I am just clacking along with no sense of how the job is going. To its credit, it is super comfortable to use on the ears.
It is true that the XL (and the TrimIt) require a little more time than the battery operated ones that I have used (those that actually cut hair), but the extra time spent was negligible. More important, I know I am using a quality machine when I am using either the Platinum XL or the TrimIt.
For the record, I have plenty of experience with battery operated nose/ear trimmers. I have used the Sharper Image battery trimmers and after the 2.0 they literally did not cut worth a darn. The 5.0 twirls the blade so fast that my eyes watered, and that's no joke...and no fun either. Besides, they break far too fast for a product as expensive as they are. The Remington model is decently made but is worthless for cutting nose hair (the side burn attachment is ok but it's not why I bought it!). The two Panasonic models I had recently bought were slower and cut good, but both broke within months of use...I was afraid to buy another! That's what brought me to these non-battery operated nose/ear trimmers.
As I stated earlier, both the XL and the TrimIt are amazingly well made; I fully expect them to last for years of use.
I never expected to be so into a nose/ear trimmer, and 20 years ago I would have laughed at the prospect of even needing one. Now, at 42, it's a weekly reality that I don't need to worry about--will my nose trimmer break, will the new model even cut, etc. Thanks to the Platinum XL, I know I now have a tool that I can rely on to do the job, so I don't have to worry about entering the world with any hints of embarrassment holding me back.
The Platinum XL is easily the best Nose/Ear trimmer I have ever used, and the TrimIt is worth your consideration if it suits your style.
I hope my review has helped you to make a decision on whether to buy a Groom Mate trimmer and the pros and cons of these two top of the line trimmer models.
All the Best, MLC
"Best Nose Job I've Ever Had!" 2007-11-06
By John Channer (New Orleans)
I can't believe that I'm writing a review on such a mundane device as a nose hair trimmer but here you go...
I felt compelled to share my thoughts on this marvelous, or should I say ingenious, little gizmo because for years I have been battling pesky nostril hairs with everything from scissors to tweezers to a few very poorly made battery or electric nose hair trimmers with varied results. Let's just say that when using any of these devices that I've managed to cut the inside of my nostril, bring tears to my eyes, and even pull nose hairs out by the roots. I even had a friend recommend hot waxing the inside of my nose to eliminate the hairs once and for all! Can you even imagine?
The Platinum XL nose hair trimmer is very solid and made of 100% stainless steel and feels very substantial even though it is only 2.6" in length. It has these very accurate rotating blades at the top of the trimmer that the manufacturer describes as rotating micro-scissors. To activate these blades all you have to do is to simply insert the trimmer partly into your nostril and rotate the bottom of the handle. You control the speed at which you trim your hairs and it is even guaranteed not to pull the hairs out like the battery-operated models all seem to do. I also like the fact that the blades are guaranteed to never dull. I had one of the "brand" name battery operated trimmers and the blades went completely dull after just a few uses and there was no way to replace them so in the trash it went.
This nose hair trimmer is made in the USA, has a lifetime warranty, is extremely easy to clean and is very compact. Also, I have to say that one of my pet peeves about doing business online is paying way too high shipping costs for relatively inexpensive items. This company, Groom Mate, didn't even charge me for shipping and I got my order in just 3 days! Great job. My nose is happy and so am I!
Cheers, John Channer.
"A litle awkward but effective - the best!" 2007-10-02
By D. C. Carrad (Augusta, GA United States)
A little awkward to hold when using on ears, but once you get used to it, it is great. Really works very well, trims the nostril and ear hair closely and without pain or pulling. I have tried lots of others and this is the best. You will get used to it, recommended above all others.
"Great find! Love this little trimmer!!!!" 2007-06-26
By J. Rogers (Sacramento, CA USA)
I should preface my remarks by saying I'm a simply guy who enjoys simple things. This little gadget is one of my favorite finds online. I am completely happy with this little nose/ear hair trimmers and would recommend to anyone.
- doesn't have batteries to replace
- no cord to plug in
- super compact (about the size of my pinkie)
- no maintenance required whatsoever
- solid material...with lifetime warranty
- Have to twist around a little longer than expected at times to catch all hair. But it works!
I highly recommend. It's well worth the price.
"No batteries and works like a charm!" 2007-10-03
By Orpharion (San Diego, CA USA)
Insert into nostril a short ways, hold the barrel in one hand, rotate the tip back and forth in the other hand, and Bob's your uncle! You can effortlessly remove annoying nose hairs in seconds without the fuss of unreliable battery powered trimmers. By the way, when was the last time you bought something of value not made overseas? This nifty little gadget is made in the USA!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Proactiv Solution Refining Mask 2.5 Oz Review. Developed by dermatologists specifically for the management of acne, this soothing mask provides deep cleaning while helping refine problem skin. From Proactiv(R) Solution
Size 2.5 oz...
"Calming and Clearing" 2008-11-26
By Jennifer Ford (Pleasanton, CA)
I've used this mask for years. When I was younger (teens and early twenties) I had oily acne prone skin and used the entire Proactiv system. Now that I'm 30 and my skin has dried out, I use this mask once, or twice a week to clear my pores and to calm inflamed pimples. It works best after a shower when skin is soft and the "gunk," in your Tzone is soft, too. I apply, hang out for twenty or thity minutes and rinse with warm water, or exfoliate with a warm wash cloth. Results are not permanent, but for a few days at least, bye bye blackheads. Remember, for BEST results, use this mask after your shower, or steam your face carefully over a pot of hot water with a towel (to catch the steam) and apply when skin is warm and soft. =o)
"Great science!" 2009-12-09
By N. Sacksteder (Tuscon, AZ)
This product contains sulfur, a non-synthetic antibacterial compound. In theory, bacteria see the sulfur and absorb it because it looks so much like vitamin D to them. Through an unknown mechanism, this kills the bacteria. Neat!
On a side note, i paid $9.50 for this product. Their price fluctuates daily, so add it to your cart and wait for the best price.
"AMAZING" 2009-02-12
By Sandra Lucas (Somerville, MA)
I was once a Proactiv user and eventhough my skin is oily it became very dry. I quit using Proactiv and then realized I needed to use a spot treatment. I tried everything but it either left me looking blotchy or it overdried my skin. I ordered just this refining mask and use everytime I feel something coming on. It works over night! I spot treat lightly at night and in the morning I do the same under my makeup. I LOVE IT!! I hope it's a product I'll be able to obtain from here on out. =}
"love this product" 2009-01-21
By Jennifer A. Nichols (Albany, New York United States)
This product is a life saver. If you have a pimple starting you just put a dab of the mask on go to sleep and wake up the next morning and it is gone. Also if you use it as a weekly mask it leaves your face feeling so tight, soft and refreshed. Worth every penny
"Love this product!" 2009-01-29
By Nicholle
I tried the Proactive system when I was in high school. I didn't feel that it worked any better than anything else I had tried already. But I absolutely love this mask! I use it as a spot treatment and it works very well!
Monday, October 25, 2010

Bundle Monster Nail Art Nailart Polish Stamp Stamping Manicure Image Plates Accessories Set Kit 21pc Review. This monster bundle includes a 21pc nail art image plates set. Use this variety pack to have fun working on your nails or give them away as fabulous gifts to families and friends. Plate dimension is 5.5cm in diameter. All image patterns are authentically created and designed by Bundle Monster. Package Content: 21 nail art image plates only. Scraper & stamper not included, but available separately. How Nail Art Stamping Works? 1. Apply polish on image plate design. 2. Using the scraper, scrape off the excessive nail polish. 3. Stamp the image in rolling motion. 4. Stamp design on nail smoothly. Done !...
"Super deal!" 2010-05-11
By loves2stamp
I am so glad I bought these image plates! I have tried quite a few of the plates in this set and have not had any problems with them. The price was irresistible for me, I will order many more plates if BundleMonster comes up with more designs. I do wish they had some larger designs that would cover the whole nail (the largest designs in this set do not cover my thumb nail completely)
*I measured one of the full nail designs and it was approximately 1cm X 1.4cm. Hope this info helps!
Helpful hints;
-Make sure you remove the protective plastic cover from the front of the plates before attempting to use.
-Wet a cotton ball w/ pure acetone and hold it with tweezers in order to avoid ruining the designs on your nails. Use the acetone soaked cotton ball to wipe nail polish off of the plates and stamper. The plate should be dry before applying more polish.
-Use a thick highly pigmented polish for stamping.
-Work fast! If you take too long the polish will dry on the plate or stamper and you will not get it to transfer.
-If you are working fast and the polish does not transfer try another type of polish, some polished are extra quick drying.
-Be gentle when you apply top coat or you may smear your design.
"They are GREAT better than Konad!" 2010-05-24
By Sandra M.G. (Silver Spring,MD)
I loved my Bundle Monster IP's they are soo cool. Fast shipping I ordered Tuesday and received them on Friday. The images are soo many to pick from its like a kid at a candy store LOL. I think they are better than Konad I have 10 Konad IP's and with Konad you can't get every single part of the image BUT with the Bundle Monster you can with the very first try! I got my family and friends wanting to buy the Bundle Monster IP's. I would really love to see what else Bundle Monster comes up with next they should consider making their own polishes and tools and more IP's. I will defiantly keep buying from Bundle Monster!! GREAT PRODUCT!!!!!
"Amazing value!" 2010-05-26
By Anonymous
These stamps are just like or even better than konad. The designs are unique. At just under $18 this is a steal. You'd be spending six times more if you purchased twenty one stamps from konad. I find that with these image plates transfering the image to the stamp is much easier. I agree that the full nail designs are not wide enough to cover the entire nail. Nonetheless I love my new image plates and would like to see more in the future from this seller. I also feel that using an old credit or gift card works better when scraping off the excess nail polish. It is much more gentle and does not scratch the surface of the image plate as with the scraper that comes with the konad system. All in all I'd recommend this to everyone and I would repurchase if need be :)
"Great Product - Great Price!" 2010-08-09
By M. Patterson (Japan)
I bought these plates because my daughters spent the night at a friends and came home with the cutest nails. When I asked about them their friend showed me her 'name brand' set that she paid about $50 for. It had two plates some polish, a stamper & a scraper. I thought it was adorable but was not going to pay that kind of money. Bargain hunter than I am I searched for a better deal. Which led me to Bundle Monster and another 'off brand' that I found on ebay for similar value.
I bought both sets. The received the ebay ones first. They were a great value came with some extras & offered cute plates (a few with the same designs from one plate to the next). They even offered the same designs and our neighbor girl had on her 'name brand' plates (none of which were 'full nail' or 'french tip' images). I was quite satisfied but have to say when I received the plates from Bundle Monster I soon realized I preferred their images better. They were larger for the most part & a much nicer selection over all (I hope they continue to add to their designs).
The ONLY Con I would mention is that the edges seem a bit sharp (compared to both the name brand & the other off brand I purchased) so I would keep them out of reach from young fingers even if they are just 'looking at the designs'. My teenage daughter cut herself on one not paying attention.
For those of you who are having problems with them here are some tips & step by step instructions I use (mentioned by others but with so many reviews I will post it as well).
Tips to Know Before you get started:
1) REMOVE the plastic film: They come with a plastic film when you first receive them that sometimes can not be seen. I used something sharp (tweezers) to cut a spot & then removed the rest with my fingers. If you do not remove the film the plates do not work.
2) Use THICK but NOT Quick Dry Contrasting Nail Polish for Images: If you do not have a 'thick' polish & do not want to spend $10+ on the 'name brand' let one of yours dry out a bit or go to your local salon that does nails & see if they have some 'old stuff' that you can buy for pennies on the dollar.
If you use quick dry you may not get the transfer done quick enough before it drys.
I have tried a few variations of colors but for obvious reasons white & black work best. A dark color with a white or light pink print or a light color with a black or similar dark will have the best results. Do some practice ones on something to see what you really like.
3) Use one coat cover for Bottom Coat & Top Coat: I recommend using nail polish that IS quick dry & only takes one coat to cover for both the Bottom & Top Coats (not images). This is because the more nail polish you have on your nails the more likely it is to smear your images. Using quick dry also helps with this.
4) Use a Good Acetone nail remover: It seems this works best for cleaning the plates. Some remover seems to thin out the polish & make it more difficult to transfer.
5) Let the Plates DRY completely: After each transfer you will need to clean the plate (if there is polish in the image you will not get a good transfer). When you wipe the polish out let the remover dry before you put polish on it. Again it will thin out the polish making for a poor transfer.
6) Use Cotton Rounds instead of Balls: Cotton Rounds make it a lot easier to manage the nail remover without messing up your nails. I use a nail polish remover with a pump so (one touch remover) I don't have to do too much with my hands.
7) Between EACH STEP let your nails dry for the best possible results.
8) If you don't have a plate holder (which I highly recommend) use double sided scotch tape to hold the plates in place on whatever you are scraping the extra paint onto.
9) I also recommend the two sided stamper with the smaller stamp. It is much easier to ensure the best image placement for smaller images.
10) If you have larger nail beds you may want to overlap designs. Everyone has different nail bed sizes so it would be difficult to accommodate everyone. With practice one could learn to line up the designs for a fuller image but I would recommend either using more than one design or just overlapping them. It can create a nice effect as well.
10) Clean EVERYTHING thoroughly when you are done: This will be important so that your future painting will be more successful & so that the plates, stamper & scraper last longer.
My personal steps:
1) Wash hands & gently push back cuticles that might be up on nail bed.
2) Get out all needed products & items.
3) Paint nails with bottom coat. Let dry completely (VERY important for best results)
4) Prepare image plate, image nail polish & cotton round with polish remover.
5) Working Quickly - Paint a nice coat of image paint over your image, scrape away extra, stamp with stamper, line up with nail bed, roll on fast, firmly & carefully ensuring you get the entire image to transfer. (If you have never seen this done check out a youtube video on it).
6) After each image you will have to clean the plate completely (especially if you are using the same image for each nail). Be sure to do so carefully not to smudge your other nails. Some recommend using tweezers - I find if I use a Cotton round instead of a ball I don't need to. Again let the polish remover dry on the plate before adding the polish again.
7) I recommend doing all your images on one hand BEFORE putting on the top coat. Just be gentle not to 'bump' them.
8) Once your first hand is complete put on your top coat & let this dry Completely before starting your second hand.
9) Repeat for second hand!
Once you get the hang of it use multiple designs & colors. We have used it to stamp our phones & more (and change when we get bored)
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did! All the little Girls in my life (age appropriate of course) will be getting this for the next 'gift giving' occasion!!
"Great plates! I want more designs!" 2010-05-23
By Muppet Fan (Las Vegas)
I received the plates within days of ordering. The quality of the stamped image is comparible to Konad. Creative designs that are different than what is offered by Konad. I hope they offer more plates/designs! Very much worth the price!
Monday, October 25, 2010

Philips Norelco HQ8 Spectra Tripleheader Replacement Heads Review. HQ8. Fits Spectra 8800 Series, Norelco 7800 Series, Norelco 7100 Series, Norelco 7200 Series. Contains 3 Cutters and 3 Combs. Made in Holland....
"You will be glad you got these blades" 2006-12-29
By D. Dell (USA)
Replacement blades are a must. The razor will remind you about once a year which is fine in most cases. But, if you have a heavy beard or shave more than once a day, as I do, then you should replace the blades every 8 months or so. The reminder on the razor is only a suggestion, not a command. After all, it does not know when the blades get dull. So, I simply ignore the reminder and replace the blades when I feel it is necessary.
One thing you must do is use the new blades for several days until they settle in and adjust to your skin. Until then you may have a little irritation. Another problem I have solved is the hair on my neck. I use to think the harder I press the razor, the better it would get those stray hairs. But, all I got was a rash. I discovered that if I simply use a very light touch and not press hard then it got those hairs much better and with no redness.
Replace your blades at least once a year and your face with thank you.
"The guy who said they are not durable is incorrect" 2006-01-30
By Robert Silvers (Marshfield, MA USA)
He determined they are not durable because the 'replace heads' light came on soon after he installed them. That is just because he replaced the heads early before the light came on. The light is just a timer and comes on every so many minutes of use. His new heads were fine, but he did not understand what makes the 'replace heads' light come on.
"Old into like-new1" 2007-07-22
By Sub Man (Minnesota)
Purchasing the Norelco HQ8 Spectra Tripleheader Replacement heads for my 5+ year-old Norelco razor was a really good move. The "old "razor" now works like a new razor. I should have replaced the heads long ago but kept using the old ones and complaining that "I need to get a new razor."
"Great Replacement Blades!" 2008-02-19
By K. Avery (Dayton, Ohio USA)
I've been a Norelco triple headed electric razor user for over 25 years. The razor which I use now is one which is about four years old and still going strong. Replacing the blades [heads] every 6 - 12 months is still cheaper than purchasing a new Norelco razor. I've not noticed any irritation after installing new heads, just a better shave with less effort. Keep your old razor and replace the heads! You can't go wrong! Amazon's price for these HQ 8 Spectra replacements was the lowest I could find on the Internet. Shipped very fast!
"Good Replacement Heads" 2007-09-13
By Andrew Cargill (Seattle, WA USA)
Well, they did what they were supposed to. The shave was about as good as new. But, is it just me or is Norelco outsourcing stuff and it all and all, seems a little more cheaply made. Considering a new shaving system all in all. But, these heads were indeed good.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Coastal Scents 88 Color Makeup Palette Review. This makeup palette has highly pigmented shades, all shadows can also be applied wet for a deeper longer lasting effect. The compact case makes it easy for storing and traveling.
The case has a matte surface and measures 9" x 6.5" (23 cm x 16.5 cm) closed, The pots are Dime Size around and contain plenty of powder for many excessive uses.
The colors do not have a ton of shimmer in them if this is what you are looking for, you can always dust shimmer over top as I did in the above photo. It is nearly a 50/50 mix of matte and satin with slight shimmer....
"LOVE IT" 2009-10-29
By RR (Trinidad)
After contemplating for the longest while whether or not to purchase this palette, i finally did , and i LOVE it. No regrets on purchasing it!
Took a while to arrive (7days), but when it did it was packaged with alot of bubble wrap to ensure that the palette wasn't damaged. Upon opening the pallet i observed none of the shadows had cracked and the condition was brand new.
The colours are highly pigmented and they blend very good. All the colours are gorgeous and with 88 different colours, your imagination can run wild.
I would highly recommend this pallet to anyone!
"5 star palette" 2010-02-27
By Jessica J. Zavala (Austin,TX)
So I also hesitated to buy this because I had never heard of the brand and the price was WAY too good.
But I gave in and don't regret it AT ALL!
It was received quickly, very padded, no damage at all.
The colors are extremely vibrant and VERY pigmented,and a few are glittery. BE WARNED the colors are more pigmented than they look in the picture, i'm not the kind to wear some of the colors in it since I did not know just HOW pigmented they were. BUT that does not take from anything from the quality itself, the actual case and applicators aren't the best but it's very portable and functions. That's ALL that matters, and you probably HAVE applicators and or brushes laying around anyway. I know somebody commented that these are very chalky but honestly it's not as bad as she/he made it seem at all! :)
i'm a dog groomer so finding an eyeshadow that can stand up to moisture and eye rubbing...well it doesn't really exist unless you can fork over big bucks. BEING a dog groomer I cannot. Therefore this palette went above and beyond, did not crease. even when I didn't use primer,it outlasted my other shadows, and still looked amazing after 7 hours of washing and grooming pooches. This collection of colors is gorgeous and blend well! I would recommend these to anyone, and I actually plan on getting the flashier colors for my best friend!
I believe in giving credit where credit is due, and this was completely worth my money. I'll be ordering more shades from them!
"GREAT buy!!" 2010-03-01
By Shadow Junkie (VA)
Like a few other reviewers, I spent a while on deciding whether or not to buy this. I did finally after a few weeks of on and off contemplation and I couldn't be happier!! The palette is GREAT! There are SO many different colors to mix and match and experiment with, the possibilities are endless. A portion of them are shimmery, not many, but the ones that are shimmery are just as vibrant as the matte. The pigmentation is ALMOST(pretty darn close) as good as MAC for a fraction of the price. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for anyone who loves playing with lots of different shadows! The pots are about dime-sized but contain enough of the highly pigmented shadows for many, many reapplications. LOVE it!!
"Great value!" 2009-11-21
By Jennifer
This product was exactly what I needed. I wanted to experiment with different colored eyeshadows and didn't want to spend very much. The eyeshadows are very vibrant and long lasting. I am so glad that I got this. :D
"Coastal scents 88 color makeup palette" 2009-12-13
By C. Gutierrez (Colorado)
This is an awesome deal, the circled pigments were a bit smaller than I originally imagined but you get so much choice it is worth it. They work well with mixing medium and primer. The are very build-able and seemingly sheer with single layer application. Strong pigment and great for blending and making various tertiary colors.