Panasonic WES035P Vortex HydraClean Cleaning Cartridge and Filter (3 Cartridges) Review.
"Good accessory for a Vortec Panasonic shaver." 2006-03-13
By Mild mannered reporter (New York USA)
This cleaning cartridge is a no-brainer if you own a Panasonic Vortex shaver. These cartridges contain cleaners, cutting blade lubricants and a filter, to keep your shaver blades clean and in proper condition. They are very simple to install in the cleaning base; they last a month or so, are solidly constructed and they work very well. A plus for these shaver cartridges is that they work with just plain tap water; no alcohol-type chemicals are used here. You can choose to clean the blades with just ordinary soap & water, which Panasonic says is an alternative, but I don't recommend it unless you have to, such as when traveling, as you won't be lubricating them and you allow the finely machined blades to be vunerable to whatever damage may befall them. This is a fine product and truly worth the price.
"Works Well" 2006-12-06
By Carter Hargrave (Tulsa, OK USA)
I was sceptical about it at first thinking that just washing it off would be ok. This removes gunk and is a must have if you use shave with gel or foam.
"A needed accessory" 2007-12-11
By K. Gehrke (Minnesota)
We all purchased the shaver knowing we would need these so I don't know why some are complaining of the price. It wasn't a hidden expense. You knew the information up front and could make a decision as to the annual expenses this would incure. Besides, the price has dropped on them in the past few months.
As for the cartridges themselves, there are no generics on the market. They are priced cheaper than the Braun cartriges I had been using. They are also not an alcohol based cleaner and therefore does not evaporate like the competitions. They can last much longer if you use the cleaner every other day and rinse off in the sink the other days. Depending on use, many could use the sink most of the week and the cleaner every 3 days or so. Not an option with most of the competition. This extends the Panasonic cartridges life well beyond the alcohol based systems. I am on the road out of state 2 weeks of every month and I was changing the Braun clean and renews every 30 days. Seems as though I would replace the Braun cleaner, use it that week, leave for a week, and come home to an empty system. Not anymore. HydraClean doesn't evaporate, makes it much more economical per cleaning, and only costs pennies per day in comparison.
"Cleaning Cartridge and Filter" 2006-11-18
By Kenneth Morris (Anderson CA.)
I have had this shaver for one year. The Cleaning Cartridge and Filter work well! I have found that if you pop the head of the shaver off after shaving give it a quick rence the cartridge will last longer Just and Idea.
"Works well, use distilled water for best results" 2009-03-06
By Comdet
The Panasonic cleaning system works pretty well - not as speedy as the Braun system, but it has some key advantages. Since the system uses water, you won't have to deal with evaporation loss. Plus, as others have noted, you can use the cleaning base a couple times per week and greatly extend the life of the cartridge.
Also, since it is water based, there's less packaging - the detergent is concentrated, and mixes with the water. Less plastic waste that gets chucked into the trash.
The cleaning system does get the razor a bit cleaner than just washing with water (or liquid soap and water, as noted in the manual), adds lubrication and a nice fresh scent. I've found that using distilled water in the cleaning base eliminates the white residue from hard water.
Goes on sale occasionally, so watch the price and stock up on the price dips.
By Mild mannered reporter (New York USA)
This cleaning cartridge is a no-brainer if you own a Panasonic Vortex shaver. These cartridges contain cleaners, cutting blade lubricants and a filter, to keep your shaver blades clean and in proper condition. They are very simple to install in the cleaning base; they last a month or so, are solidly constructed and they work very well. A plus for these shaver cartridges is that they work with just plain tap water; no alcohol-type chemicals are used here. You can choose to clean the blades with just ordinary soap & water, which Panasonic says is an alternative, but I don't recommend it unless you have to, such as when traveling, as you won't be lubricating them and you allow the finely machined blades to be vunerable to whatever damage may befall them. This is a fine product and truly worth the price.
By Carter Hargrave (Tulsa, OK USA)
I was sceptical about it at first thinking that just washing it off would be ok. This removes gunk and is a must have if you use shave with gel or foam.
By K. Gehrke (Minnesota)
We all purchased the shaver knowing we would need these so I don't know why some are complaining of the price. It wasn't a hidden expense. You knew the information up front and could make a decision as to the annual expenses this would incure. Besides, the price has dropped on them in the past few months.
As for the cartridges themselves, there are no generics on the market. They are priced cheaper than the Braun cartriges I had been using. They are also not an alcohol based cleaner and therefore does not evaporate like the competitions. They can last much longer if you use the cleaner every other day and rinse off in the sink the other days. Depending on use, many could use the sink most of the week and the cleaner every 3 days or so. Not an option with most of the competition. This extends the Panasonic cartridges life well beyond the alcohol based systems. I am on the road out of state 2 weeks of every month and I was changing the Braun clean and renews every 30 days. Seems as though I would replace the Braun cleaner, use it that week, leave for a week, and come home to an empty system. Not anymore. HydraClean doesn't evaporate, makes it much more economical per cleaning, and only costs pennies per day in comparison.
By Kenneth Morris (Anderson CA.)
I have had this shaver for one year. The Cleaning Cartridge and Filter work well! I have found that if you pop the head of the shaver off after shaving give it a quick rence the cartridge will last longer Just and Idea.
By Comdet
The Panasonic cleaning system works pretty well - not as speedy as the Braun system, but it has some key advantages. Since the system uses water, you won't have to deal with evaporation loss. Plus, as others have noted, you can use the cleaning base a couple times per week and greatly extend the life of the cartridge.
Also, since it is water based, there's less packaging - the detergent is concentrated, and mixes with the water. Less plastic waste that gets chucked into the trash.
The cleaning system does get the razor a bit cleaner than just washing with water (or liquid soap and water, as noted in the manual), adds lubrication and a nice fresh scent. I've found that using distilled water in the cleaning base eliminates the white residue from hard water.
Goes on sale occasionally, so watch the price and stock up on the price dips.