Philips Norelco BG2030 Professional BodyGrooming System Review.
"Hands-down the best "body groomer" I've ever used. Period." 2008-12-04
By NLH (New York, NY)
Ok, so I'm a pretty hairy guy. For the past 8 years I've tried about 10 different razor/clipper/trimmer products to clean up my chest/stomach area and I've yet to find one that I really, truly liked. Either it was a straight electric razor which cut everything down to zero (not the goal), or some sort of "trimmer" device which invariable failed to work properly.
The BG2020 was the closest I'd gotten to something useful...It would take me a solid 30 minutes and LOTS of back-and-forth over the same areas, but if you held it juuuust so, you could get the job done. It was a pain -- I'd have to dedicate some time, and because my bathroom lights are pretty hot, after standing there trimming for 20 minutes I'd start to sweat, so I'd have to take a break and come back and finish later. All-in-all, a process, but the job got done.
I got the BG2030 in the mail this morning and all I can say is that I'm *stunned* at how well it works. I hooked up the trimmer attachment and gave it a quick whirl before I got into the shower...just to see how it worked. I was so amazed at how quickly it trimmed everything down, that I just did the whole job right there in about 5 minutes. No exaggeration -- what used to take a solid 30 minutes took LESS than 5 minutes with the BG2030. Nothing more needs to be said -- if you want a quick, simple, easy way to trim down body hair, this is the best product I've ever used. Period.
Now, for other areas (the "nether regions"), it's not quite so miraculous -- that's not to say it doesn't work, and it does, but it's no better than the BG2020, which worked perfectly. So this will continue to work perfectly down there as well.
All in all, a 5-star product and worth the extra money over the BG2020 without hesitation.
"Careful on the "kiwis"; otherwise, superb." 2009-06-25
By B. I.
I love this unit. It's got a great styling, lots of options for trimming (mowing) and shaving, and its battery lasts long enough to do my arms, pits, chest, and groin.
I was surprised at how well it did plowing through my thick arm hair. Don't use this unit if you, or it, are sticky or damp. The attached guides are shiny poreless plastic and will tend to stick, or hop across your skin, if you are sweaty or in a humid environment.
For the 'nether regions' (kiwis, banana, and starfruit), this thing does a knockout job. For trimming down there it's pretty easy and effective. For shaving, you have to spend a lot more time making sure to get all the hairs, but it's worth it. Doing several light, circular passes [AFTER "MOWING DOWN" ALL THE LONG HAIRS] with shaving cream works like a dream. You just have to make sure to shave down there every other day, or you'll have a not-so-comfy case of the prickles.
My two warnings:
1. Do not get this if you can't stand to plan your trim/shave. Because it has a ni-cad battery, it's much better for the battery life to let it completely run out before recharging it. Don't plug it in unless it's dead.
2. I got a slight, though disarming, nick on my kiwis when using the shaver head. It was working fairly well, as usual, but the wrinkles inherent in this part of a male's anatomy made for an 'uh-oh' moment that caught me off guard. The culprit wasn't the foil screen part of the shaver head, but the edge-trimmer section on the side of the shaver head.
To prevent #2 from happening, you need to:
A) make sure to hold the unit at the proper angle (head perpendicular to the skin surface at all times)
B) carefully chop down all hair on and around your "kiwis" with the trimmer head and attachment first.
C) strrrrrrrrretch your "kiwi" skin to be as flat and smooth as you can stand. Lumps and wrinkles might end up in the tiny teeth of the shaver head's side-mounted edge trimmers.
Aside from that, this thing is incredible. It does its job, and it does it extremely well! I can't imagine having the BG2020 model after this one. I'm now hairless down there and there are several hygienic and sexual advantages to this.
Thanks, Norelco, for helping me achieve new pleasures in the bedroom and new comforts in the boxers!
"Blessing in disguise" 2009-01-25
By Hairy dude
God makes some people short and some people tall, some people are born ugly and some people are born good-looking, some people are hairless and some are hairy!!!
God made me hairy (psss...I am tall and good-looking too) now to those who do not have this issue...you are truly blessed...but if you are like me...you really know the trouble and pain of maintaining the hair on your body. To this Philips Norelco BG2030 Professional BodyGrooming System is a blessing in disguise.
This was my first time buying a Philips electronic razor and I have to say...I am impressed by it. It removes the hair and makes your skin soft and looking as if there were no hair to begin with!!! I use it for my under-arm, groin area, stomach and facial hair trimming. It does not pain when you use it, it cleans well and looks great too!! All in all, it is a wonderful product.
The attachments are also very useful. The razor is also of good quality, no breaking or cracking as the other reviews for other models of Philips Norelco say.
I usually don't even write reviews, but for this, I had to...cause it has made my life so easy! Thank you engineers behind Philips Norelco BG 2030, you guys ROCK!
"As advertised" 2008-12-06
By Thomas Aiello (SI, NY)
The product has blown me away, the several diffrent head attachments work well, The system works extremly well.
The big sell for me was the wet Dry application. I Actaully find myself shaving less than I did before becuase the razer gets so close & with no iritaion.
The price was nothing special, I paied $50.00 for it on Amazon & have seen it for the same amount in Target as recently as last week. But the shipping was free so no big deal, I just expect to save a few $$ when I shop on Amazon, Anyway, it's worth the money.
"What the Bodygroom should've been:" 2009-07-07
By Daniel J. Staggers (Buffalo)
My old bodygroom had seen better days and it's third foil was due to be replaced. Instead, I got this on sale at Target for 36 bucks and it's much better then the original.
It's a much better built machine and it feels like it. It's also about half as quiet. Beware however, it's a bit narrower and can slip out of your hand much easier. The foil on this one is really tight and doesn't constantly fall out.
The tool holder works great and is really neat. You'd never know all that stuff was back there built into the base. The battery life is the same as the old one; meaning, GREAT! I tried the other head on someone else and it works fine. I can't use it on me, because I was constantly screwing around with the old one, so I said the heck with it and completely shaved all my body hair off. Now, I've come to prefer it that way and so does my wife.
Many people say this doesn't shave completely smooth, I have very fine hair which is the toughest on it and while there is a little stubble, it's barely noticable. In fact, it's probably better then any foil shaver out there period!
Obviously, there was much interest in the old Bodygroom that they took the time to build this one. And, it answers every complaint I ever had about the old one in spades.
Great Precision Machine! Hats off to the new Bodygroom.
By NLH (New York, NY)
Ok, so I'm a pretty hairy guy. For the past 8 years I've tried about 10 different razor/clipper/trimmer products to clean up my chest/stomach area and I've yet to find one that I really, truly liked. Either it was a straight electric razor which cut everything down to zero (not the goal), or some sort of "trimmer" device which invariable failed to work properly.
The BG2020 was the closest I'd gotten to something useful...It would take me a solid 30 minutes and LOTS of back-and-forth over the same areas, but if you held it juuuust so, you could get the job done. It was a pain -- I'd have to dedicate some time, and because my bathroom lights are pretty hot, after standing there trimming for 20 minutes I'd start to sweat, so I'd have to take a break and come back and finish later. All-in-all, a process, but the job got done.
I got the BG2030 in the mail this morning and all I can say is that I'm *stunned* at how well it works. I hooked up the trimmer attachment and gave it a quick whirl before I got into the shower...just to see how it worked. I was so amazed at how quickly it trimmed everything down, that I just did the whole job right there in about 5 minutes. No exaggeration -- what used to take a solid 30 minutes took LESS than 5 minutes with the BG2030. Nothing more needs to be said -- if you want a quick, simple, easy way to trim down body hair, this is the best product I've ever used. Period.
Now, for other areas (the "nether regions"), it's not quite so miraculous -- that's not to say it doesn't work, and it does, but it's no better than the BG2020, which worked perfectly. So this will continue to work perfectly down there as well.
All in all, a 5-star product and worth the extra money over the BG2020 without hesitation.
By B. I.
I love this unit. It's got a great styling, lots of options for trimming (mowing) and shaving, and its battery lasts long enough to do my arms, pits, chest, and groin.
I was surprised at how well it did plowing through my thick arm hair. Don't use this unit if you, or it, are sticky or damp. The attached guides are shiny poreless plastic and will tend to stick, or hop across your skin, if you are sweaty or in a humid environment.
For the 'nether regions' (kiwis, banana, and starfruit), this thing does a knockout job. For trimming down there it's pretty easy and effective. For shaving, you have to spend a lot more time making sure to get all the hairs, but it's worth it. Doing several light, circular passes [AFTER "MOWING DOWN" ALL THE LONG HAIRS] with shaving cream works like a dream. You just have to make sure to shave down there every other day, or you'll have a not-so-comfy case of the prickles.
My two warnings:
1. Do not get this if you can't stand to plan your trim/shave. Because it has a ni-cad battery, it's much better for the battery life to let it completely run out before recharging it. Don't plug it in unless it's dead.
2. I got a slight, though disarming, nick on my kiwis when using the shaver head. It was working fairly well, as usual, but the wrinkles inherent in this part of a male's anatomy made for an 'uh-oh' moment that caught me off guard. The culprit wasn't the foil screen part of the shaver head, but the edge-trimmer section on the side of the shaver head.
To prevent #2 from happening, you need to:
A) make sure to hold the unit at the proper angle (head perpendicular to the skin surface at all times)
B) carefully chop down all hair on and around your "kiwis" with the trimmer head and attachment first.
C) strrrrrrrrretch your "kiwi" skin to be as flat and smooth as you can stand. Lumps and wrinkles might end up in the tiny teeth of the shaver head's side-mounted edge trimmers.
Aside from that, this thing is incredible. It does its job, and it does it extremely well! I can't imagine having the BG2020 model after this one. I'm now hairless down there and there are several hygienic and sexual advantages to this.
Thanks, Norelco, for helping me achieve new pleasures in the bedroom and new comforts in the boxers!
By Hairy dude
God makes some people short and some people tall, some people are born ugly and some people are born good-looking, some people are hairless and some are hairy!!!
God made me hairy (psss...I am tall and good-looking too) now to those who do not have this issue...you are truly blessed...but if you are like me...you really know the trouble and pain of maintaining the hair on your body. To this Philips Norelco BG2030 Professional BodyGrooming System is a blessing in disguise.
This was my first time buying a Philips electronic razor and I have to say...I am impressed by it. It removes the hair and makes your skin soft and looking as if there were no hair to begin with!!! I use it for my under-arm, groin area, stomach and facial hair trimming. It does not pain when you use it, it cleans well and looks great too!! All in all, it is a wonderful product.
The attachments are also very useful. The razor is also of good quality, no breaking or cracking as the other reviews for other models of Philips Norelco say.
I usually don't even write reviews, but for this, I had to...cause it has made my life so easy! Thank you engineers behind Philips Norelco BG 2030, you guys ROCK!
By Thomas Aiello (SI, NY)
The product has blown me away, the several diffrent head attachments work well, The system works extremly well.
The big sell for me was the wet Dry application. I Actaully find myself shaving less than I did before becuase the razer gets so close & with no iritaion.
The price was nothing special, I paied $50.00 for it on Amazon & have seen it for the same amount in Target as recently as last week. But the shipping was free so no big deal, I just expect to save a few $$ when I shop on Amazon, Anyway, it's worth the money.
By Daniel J. Staggers (Buffalo)
My old bodygroom had seen better days and it's third foil was due to be replaced. Instead, I got this on sale at Target for 36 bucks and it's much better then the original.
It's a much better built machine and it feels like it. It's also about half as quiet. Beware however, it's a bit narrower and can slip out of your hand much easier. The foil on this one is really tight and doesn't constantly fall out.
The tool holder works great and is really neat. You'd never know all that stuff was back there built into the base. The battery life is the same as the old one; meaning, GREAT! I tried the other head on someone else and it works fine. I can't use it on me, because I was constantly screwing around with the old one, so I said the heck with it and completely shaved all my body hair off. Now, I've come to prefer it that way and so does my wife.
Many people say this doesn't shave completely smooth, I have very fine hair which is the toughest on it and while there is a little stubble, it's barely noticable. In fact, it's probably better then any foil shaver out there period!
Obviously, there was much interest in the old Bodygroom that they took the time to build this one. And, it answers every complaint I ever had about the old one in spades.
Great Precision Machine! Hats off to the new Bodygroom.