Panasonic ES8109S Vortex Wet/Dry Shaver with Nano Technology and HydraClean System Review.
"Panasonic quality at its finest" 2007-11-01
By C. Perry (NEW YORK, NEW YORK United States)
Ok, so this is my third Panasonic wet/dry shaver in about 5 years and, by far, this one is the best one yet. I've experimented with other manufacturers' shavers over the years, including Brauns, Norelcos and Grundig shavers, but I've ultimately found nirvana, ok, not quite nirvana, but a most pleasant shaving experience with Panasonic shavers. I love Panasonic's shavers because I like being able to shave in the shower with an electric shaver and a little glycerin based shaving foam (Gilette Series foam in the long silver tube works best for me and doesn't gum up the shaver like gels do). I swear, this unbeatable combination (i.e., shower steam, Panasonic wet/dry shaver and Gilette Series foam) shaves me closer than even the best blades that Gilette offers (at present, the Gilette Fusion) with far less irritation and with no annoying little cuts in conspicuous locations around my face and/or neck.
Just to review, my first Panasonic wet/dry was great and served me well for about 3 years, but when the Panasonic models came out a few years ago with the Vortex cleaning systems, I just had to have one, so I moved on to the model ES8078 wet/dry shaver. The ES8078 served me well for a year-and-a-half - until I dropped that bad boy in the shower earlier this week! 'Nuf said. It didn't break into a zillion pieces or anything, but the motor just stopped working. (It's actually kinda funny because I was so preoccupied with ensuring the safekeeping of that little shaver ever since I brought it home, chiding my poor wife for even looking at it wrong, and then my dumb arse drops the dang thing in the shower. AAARGHHHH!!!) Anyhow, after a quick review of the top of the line shavers from various manufacturers currently available (including the new Braun Pulsonic models), I opted to go for the latest offering from Panasonic. Even though the new Brauns cost $100 more than the Panasonics, their motors are still slower, and you still can't shave with 'em wet. For the uninitiated, higher motor speed = faster moving blades = less friction = less irritation. Panasonics have consistently had the highest motor speed available in any electric shaver.
I've shaved with the new ES8109S shaver for a few days now, and my first impression after the very first shave was that I got a very close shave (consistent with the performance of my prior Panasonics) and, try to understand this, my face did not FEEL as though I had just shaved. It may sound a little odd, but you know how your face feels sensitive to the touch after you typically shave? Well, that sensation, at least for me, was far less apparent after shaving with the new Panasonic. Heck, maybe it's the new curved blade and foil assembly that reduces irritation or something. In this respect, the new ES8109S actually outperforms Panasonic's prior top of the line offering (the ES8078) and actually causes even less shaving irritation than that model (which itself wasn't all that irritating to begin with). Also, much like the prior models, the little pop up trimmer on the side of the new shaver is great not only for trimming sideburns (which I actually never use it for), but also for capturing those awkward little hairs that lie flat or may be becoming ingrown. The latest model is also quieter than the last model and has a more substantial feel to it while holding it.
Oh, one more thing, the ES8109S comes with Panasonic's latest iteration of its Vortex Cleaning and charging base, which is slightly different from its prior models, but appears to use the same cleaning cartridge. The Vortex quietly cleans, lubricates and even fully recharges your shaver for you (alternatively, you can just plug the power cable for the Vortex directly into the shaver to recharge it). The cleaning/lubricating solution in the Vortex consists of a slender cartridge containing a detergent based solid that becomes "activated" when it mixes with water in the Vortex base. The cleaner is not alcohol-based, so it does not evaporate over time like the Braun cleaning solution does - along with the money you'll spend on their big, expensive refills.
In summary, I highly recommend the Panasonic ES8109S shaver to persons like me with sensitive skin that is prone to irritation (I know you're thinking, "Why didn't he just say that from the outset?") Hope this review helps!
LONG TERM UPDATE! - Well, I've had 8109S for almost one full year now and it's still going strong. I've noticed it's become slightly less efficient at capturing the few hairs on my cheeks that tend to lie flat, so it's about time for the annual changing of the foil, which I know (based on past experience with Panasonics) will restore the shaver to its fullest hair capturing & cutting potential. One tip I have about cleaning the razor - I shave and rinse clean my shaver every day, and I only clean it in the Vortex when it needs charging which, for me, is about once every two weeks. This cuts down on the usage of the cleaning cartridge. The need to clean your shaver will depend in large part on what you shave with (I use a foam, which tends to rinse cleaner than creams and gels). Also, one more tip regarding the cleaning cartridges in the Vortex cleaning system - you DON'T HAVE TO replace the cleaning solution at the manufacturer recommended interval. You can definitely get away with using them longer. I tend to use them until the service light on the Vortex base turns on, then I change the cleaning cartridge and water in the Vortex and it's good to go. I'm only on my third cleaning cartridge in the year I've owned the razor.
EVEN LONGER TERM UPDATE! - Well, it's a little over a year-and-a-half since I purchased this shaver, and it has died on me. It all started about two weeks ago when I noticed that it was holding less of a charge between chargings, i.e., I could get progressively less and less shaves per charge. Then the display started giving unintelligible readings that did not correspond to the charge level. Then, today, I go to try to turn on the shaver and no response. All in all, this shaver performed exceptionally well throughout it's lifespan and, considering the price of "next-best option" Gillette Fusion blades, was far less expensive, and less irritating, over time than shaving with blades. I have to admit I thought it would've lasted me a little longer than it did as past Panasonics I've owned have lasted longer. Now, I could try to have this thing repaired for some astronomical price, only to have it stop working again. Or, I could take this opportunity to purchase Panasonic's latest offering, the Arc IV Nano Men's Wet/Dry Rechargeable Shaver, which I've scoped out and seen positive reviews of here on Amazon. I think I'm going to go with the new Panasonic, but this time without the Vortex cleaning base as this was the 2nd Panasonic shaver I've owned (one of which I dropped) that I am now stuck with a useless Vortex cleaning base. Happy shopping!
"Braun vs. Panasonic" 2007-12-11
By K. Gehrke (Minnesota)
My 3+ year old Braun 7526 Syncro with Clean and Charge finally had enough. Prior to that was a blade preceeded by a Norelco.
Lets jump back a few years and share my history...
I have always broken out with razor burn and ingrown hairs on my neck for as long as I started growing facial hair. Cheap razors were terrable so I asked for an electric. The Norelco made it easier to shave but still had the issues. Several months later it was back to the blade. Someone suggested a foil shaver and, after much hesitation, I purchased the Braun. Wow! What an improvement over the blade and rotory shavers. I have been happily using it daily for almost 4 years. Dare I say...almost enjoy shaving. Razor burn is almost non-existant unless you grind away in an area for too long a time (come back to the area 15 minutes later helps), ingrown hairs are 98% cured, and it shaved closer than a rotory with only a few passes. A win/win combination. The cleaning system is great except when away from home and you have to do it manually.
That brings us to the present...
The Braun has hit the snooze button and no longer wants to get up in the morning with me. After many hours of research I thought I wanted another Braun...their top of the line Pulsonic model. Almost bought one based on a few blogs on the web. I did cringe at the asking price of $250 - $300 suggested retail. I have always enjoyed Panasonic products and noticed this razor at half the asking price of the Braun. It seemed too good to be true, but Panasonic products have never let me down yet. I gave it a try, knowing I could try it for 30 days and send it back if unhappy. I had nothing to lose.
I have had it a week now and nobody is taking this shaver away from me. I dare you to compare the 2 razors back to back and honestly say the Braun is worth double the price. They are, in my opinion, in the same class. The Panasonic is quieter both shaving and in the cleaning stand. It shaves closer and cuts more hair on the first pass, eliminating a 3rd or 4th pass. The Braun would sometimes knick my adams apple or lip and I have tried to get the Panasonic to do it but it wont (call me stupid). Since I dont have to shave 3, 4, or 5 times on my neck, the razor burn is gone. The ingrown hairs are 99% gone (I have had only one this past week). The cleaning gets the blades cleaner and they smell soapy clean and not chemically clean. The best part, a bonus if you will, is the Panasonic is water-resistant. Not only can you rinse the head off underwater at home or on the road, but you can shave in the shower or use shaving creams or lotions (gels are not recommended). The top of the line Braun can be rinsed under water but not used "wet" or with creams or lotions. The only drawback I could find is the travel bag they supply. I was hoping they could have supplied a better case to hold the cord and shaver for extended trips. Not a big deal though, on a big trip...I will have a big suitcase so I'm sure there will be plenty of room in there for a cord.
In conclusion, a great shaver with all the current technology and features offered by the competition at a reasonable asking price.
Since purchasing, this razor still continues to be my favorite. I have now started using it "wet" by warming my face with hot water, then applying a Neutragena shaving cream. The results are better. It shaves more hairs on the first pass, the cream eliminates any friction, and gives me the closest shave yet with an electric (some areas of the face feel like I shaved with a blade).
Still loving it and using it everyday. However, the wife ran it through the front load washer tonight. It is now very clean. Still runs but needs a new set of blades. For added measure and the price of new blades and foil, I found a really good deal on the ES8228S shaver. The only difference between the two is the ES8228S adds a zippered vinyl travel case (vs cloth bag with draw strings) and the head has independent floating foil (each of the 3 foils is on their own suspension to track the curves of the face better).
"One of the Best Foil Shavers" 2007-12-27
By Snow Wolf (Southern California)
I've been using this Panasonic electric shaver with nano blade technology (ES8228 or ES8109S) for the past 2 months and love it. Without exaggeration, it gives me the closest shave ever, and I've been using the top of the line electrics from Norleco and Braun for over 20 years. I have compared the Panasonic shaver with nano blades with the Braun Pulsonic and Norelco Arcitec and found that the Panasonic gives me the closest shave. Dry shaving will also give you a close shave. You won't regret this foil beauty, and you can't beat the price.
"A quick comparo with the Braun Pulsonic..." 2008-09-23
By Dr. Dan (Miami, FL)
If you're an intelligent shopper you're doing some research comparing different shavers and brands. You probably read all of the bad reviews of the new Norelco shavers, and now you're probably between two shavers: the Panasonic ES8109S, and the Braun Pulsonic 7 series.
They're both great shavers, and in the end you'll be pretty happy with both. But the Panasonic has several key advantages for you to consider...
1) Braun's "superior" pulsonic technology makes 10,000 strokes. Panasonic's makes 13,000, for shaving, and a blistering 17,000 for cleaning purposes.
2) Braun's retail price is over twice that of Panasonic's.
3) Braun's shaver CANNOT be used in the shower. The 8109S can. In fact, it's fully immersible, if you feel like shaving underwater! :p
4) Braun's foil is straight, with a flexible head. The Panasonic's head is also flexible, but has a convex foil, which makes shaving under the neck much easier.
5) Both have a nifty cleaning mechanism for their shavers. To the best of my knowledge, the only way the Braun dries the shaver is with a heating element. The Panasonic not only dries your shaver with heat, but also a fan to really air it out. My shaver is bone dry once the drying cycle is over. Also, the cleaning solution for the Panasonic is alcohol-free, which prevents breakdown of plastics and water seals.
... I've owned three Norelco wet/dry shavers, and this is my third Panasonic. I gave the offering from Braun a hard look, but already knowing what kind of quality to expect from Panasonic for half the price, I decided shelling out crazy money for the Pulsonic just wasn't worth it. In the end, I not only saved money, but got my hands on a real gem of a shaver: easily the best I've ever owned, and the closest shave I've ever had. I highly recommend using this shaver with a glycerin-based shaving gel, such as those by Gilette or Nivea with MicroTec. Hands down, the closest shave you'll ever get in such a short amount of time.
"I agree it's tops" 2007-12-12
By Jerome Wendt (Northern Illinois)
I was going to buy the Braun Pulsonic until I read the reviews here and on other Web providers. They convinced me the 8109 was worth the purchase. Note that this shaver is the same as their more expensive 8228 except for a wood trim and case color on the latter. Out of box set up took 10 minutes to read and do. Charged up fully in 30 minutes even tho literature says "up to an hour". Wet shaves are great but even dry this shaver is without pulling and takes little effort for a shave second only to a blade. Putting in a new cartridge every month for the cleaning system is a minor nag but you can also rinse in tapwater. With a great shave, the ability to go into the shower with you, and a price well below The Braun, Panasonic has the winner here. To be fair, I did not shave with the Pulsonic and took the recommendation of others who had.
By C. Perry (NEW YORK, NEW YORK United States)
Ok, so this is my third Panasonic wet/dry shaver in about 5 years and, by far, this one is the best one yet. I've experimented with other manufacturers' shavers over the years, including Brauns, Norelcos and Grundig shavers, but I've ultimately found nirvana, ok, not quite nirvana, but a most pleasant shaving experience with Panasonic shavers. I love Panasonic's shavers because I like being able to shave in the shower with an electric shaver and a little glycerin based shaving foam (Gilette Series foam in the long silver tube works best for me and doesn't gum up the shaver like gels do). I swear, this unbeatable combination (i.e., shower steam, Panasonic wet/dry shaver and Gilette Series foam) shaves me closer than even the best blades that Gilette offers (at present, the Gilette Fusion) with far less irritation and with no annoying little cuts in conspicuous locations around my face and/or neck.
Just to review, my first Panasonic wet/dry was great and served me well for about 3 years, but when the Panasonic models came out a few years ago with the Vortex cleaning systems, I just had to have one, so I moved on to the model ES8078 wet/dry shaver. The ES8078 served me well for a year-and-a-half - until I dropped that bad boy in the shower earlier this week! 'Nuf said. It didn't break into a zillion pieces or anything, but the motor just stopped working. (It's actually kinda funny because I was so preoccupied with ensuring the safekeeping of that little shaver ever since I brought it home, chiding my poor wife for even looking at it wrong, and then my dumb arse drops the dang thing in the shower. AAARGHHHH!!!) Anyhow, after a quick review of the top of the line shavers from various manufacturers currently available (including the new Braun Pulsonic models), I opted to go for the latest offering from Panasonic. Even though the new Brauns cost $100 more than the Panasonics, their motors are still slower, and you still can't shave with 'em wet. For the uninitiated, higher motor speed = faster moving blades = less friction = less irritation. Panasonics have consistently had the highest motor speed available in any electric shaver.
I've shaved with the new ES8109S shaver for a few days now, and my first impression after the very first shave was that I got a very close shave (consistent with the performance of my prior Panasonics) and, try to understand this, my face did not FEEL as though I had just shaved. It may sound a little odd, but you know how your face feels sensitive to the touch after you typically shave? Well, that sensation, at least for me, was far less apparent after shaving with the new Panasonic. Heck, maybe it's the new curved blade and foil assembly that reduces irritation or something. In this respect, the new ES8109S actually outperforms Panasonic's prior top of the line offering (the ES8078) and actually causes even less shaving irritation than that model (which itself wasn't all that irritating to begin with). Also, much like the prior models, the little pop up trimmer on the side of the new shaver is great not only for trimming sideburns (which I actually never use it for), but also for capturing those awkward little hairs that lie flat or may be becoming ingrown. The latest model is also quieter than the last model and has a more substantial feel to it while holding it.
Oh, one more thing, the ES8109S comes with Panasonic's latest iteration of its Vortex Cleaning and charging base, which is slightly different from its prior models, but appears to use the same cleaning cartridge. The Vortex quietly cleans, lubricates and even fully recharges your shaver for you (alternatively, you can just plug the power cable for the Vortex directly into the shaver to recharge it). The cleaning/lubricating solution in the Vortex consists of a slender cartridge containing a detergent based solid that becomes "activated" when it mixes with water in the Vortex base. The cleaner is not alcohol-based, so it does not evaporate over time like the Braun cleaning solution does - along with the money you'll spend on their big, expensive refills.
In summary, I highly recommend the Panasonic ES8109S shaver to persons like me with sensitive skin that is prone to irritation (I know you're thinking, "Why didn't he just say that from the outset?") Hope this review helps!
LONG TERM UPDATE! - Well, I've had 8109S for almost one full year now and it's still going strong. I've noticed it's become slightly less efficient at capturing the few hairs on my cheeks that tend to lie flat, so it's about time for the annual changing of the foil, which I know (based on past experience with Panasonics) will restore the shaver to its fullest hair capturing & cutting potential. One tip I have about cleaning the razor - I shave and rinse clean my shaver every day, and I only clean it in the Vortex when it needs charging which, for me, is about once every two weeks. This cuts down on the usage of the cleaning cartridge. The need to clean your shaver will depend in large part on what you shave with (I use a foam, which tends to rinse cleaner than creams and gels). Also, one more tip regarding the cleaning cartridges in the Vortex cleaning system - you DON'T HAVE TO replace the cleaning solution at the manufacturer recommended interval. You can definitely get away with using them longer. I tend to use them until the service light on the Vortex base turns on, then I change the cleaning cartridge and water in the Vortex and it's good to go. I'm only on my third cleaning cartridge in the year I've owned the razor.
EVEN LONGER TERM UPDATE! - Well, it's a little over a year-and-a-half since I purchased this shaver, and it has died on me. It all started about two weeks ago when I noticed that it was holding less of a charge between chargings, i.e., I could get progressively less and less shaves per charge. Then the display started giving unintelligible readings that did not correspond to the charge level. Then, today, I go to try to turn on the shaver and no response. All in all, this shaver performed exceptionally well throughout it's lifespan and, considering the price of "next-best option" Gillette Fusion blades, was far less expensive, and less irritating, over time than shaving with blades. I have to admit I thought it would've lasted me a little longer than it did as past Panasonics I've owned have lasted longer. Now, I could try to have this thing repaired for some astronomical price, only to have it stop working again. Or, I could take this opportunity to purchase Panasonic's latest offering, the Arc IV Nano Men's Wet/Dry Rechargeable Shaver, which I've scoped out and seen positive reviews of here on Amazon. I think I'm going to go with the new Panasonic, but this time without the Vortex cleaning base as this was the 2nd Panasonic shaver I've owned (one of which I dropped) that I am now stuck with a useless Vortex cleaning base. Happy shopping!
By K. Gehrke (Minnesota)
My 3+ year old Braun 7526 Syncro with Clean and Charge finally had enough. Prior to that was a blade preceeded by a Norelco.
Lets jump back a few years and share my history...
I have always broken out with razor burn and ingrown hairs on my neck for as long as I started growing facial hair. Cheap razors were terrable so I asked for an electric. The Norelco made it easier to shave but still had the issues. Several months later it was back to the blade. Someone suggested a foil shaver and, after much hesitation, I purchased the Braun. Wow! What an improvement over the blade and rotory shavers. I have been happily using it daily for almost 4 years. Dare I say...almost enjoy shaving. Razor burn is almost non-existant unless you grind away in an area for too long a time (come back to the area 15 minutes later helps), ingrown hairs are 98% cured, and it shaved closer than a rotory with only a few passes. A win/win combination. The cleaning system is great except when away from home and you have to do it manually.
That brings us to the present...
The Braun has hit the snooze button and no longer wants to get up in the morning with me. After many hours of research I thought I wanted another Braun...their top of the line Pulsonic model. Almost bought one based on a few blogs on the web. I did cringe at the asking price of $250 - $300 suggested retail. I have always enjoyed Panasonic products and noticed this razor at half the asking price of the Braun. It seemed too good to be true, but Panasonic products have never let me down yet. I gave it a try, knowing I could try it for 30 days and send it back if unhappy. I had nothing to lose.
I have had it a week now and nobody is taking this shaver away from me. I dare you to compare the 2 razors back to back and honestly say the Braun is worth double the price. They are, in my opinion, in the same class. The Panasonic is quieter both shaving and in the cleaning stand. It shaves closer and cuts more hair on the first pass, eliminating a 3rd or 4th pass. The Braun would sometimes knick my adams apple or lip and I have tried to get the Panasonic to do it but it wont (call me stupid). Since I dont have to shave 3, 4, or 5 times on my neck, the razor burn is gone. The ingrown hairs are 99% gone (I have had only one this past week). The cleaning gets the blades cleaner and they smell soapy clean and not chemically clean. The best part, a bonus if you will, is the Panasonic is water-resistant. Not only can you rinse the head off underwater at home or on the road, but you can shave in the shower or use shaving creams or lotions (gels are not recommended). The top of the line Braun can be rinsed under water but not used "wet" or with creams or lotions. The only drawback I could find is the travel bag they supply. I was hoping they could have supplied a better case to hold the cord and shaver for extended trips. Not a big deal though, on a big trip...I will have a big suitcase so I'm sure there will be plenty of room in there for a cord.
In conclusion, a great shaver with all the current technology and features offered by the competition at a reasonable asking price.
Since purchasing, this razor still continues to be my favorite. I have now started using it "wet" by warming my face with hot water, then applying a Neutragena shaving cream. The results are better. It shaves more hairs on the first pass, the cream eliminates any friction, and gives me the closest shave yet with an electric (some areas of the face feel like I shaved with a blade).
Still loving it and using it everyday. However, the wife ran it through the front load washer tonight. It is now very clean. Still runs but needs a new set of blades. For added measure and the price of new blades and foil, I found a really good deal on the ES8228S shaver. The only difference between the two is the ES8228S adds a zippered vinyl travel case (vs cloth bag with draw strings) and the head has independent floating foil (each of the 3 foils is on their own suspension to track the curves of the face better).
By Snow Wolf (Southern California)
I've been using this Panasonic electric shaver with nano blade technology (ES8228 or ES8109S) for the past 2 months and love it. Without exaggeration, it gives me the closest shave ever, and I've been using the top of the line electrics from Norleco and Braun for over 20 years. I have compared the Panasonic shaver with nano blades with the Braun Pulsonic and Norelco Arcitec and found that the Panasonic gives me the closest shave. Dry shaving will also give you a close shave. You won't regret this foil beauty, and you can't beat the price.
By Dr. Dan (Miami, FL)
If you're an intelligent shopper you're doing some research comparing different shavers and brands. You probably read all of the bad reviews of the new Norelco shavers, and now you're probably between two shavers: the Panasonic ES8109S, and the Braun Pulsonic 7 series.
They're both great shavers, and in the end you'll be pretty happy with both. But the Panasonic has several key advantages for you to consider...
1) Braun's "superior" pulsonic technology makes 10,000 strokes. Panasonic's makes 13,000, for shaving, and a blistering 17,000 for cleaning purposes.
2) Braun's retail price is over twice that of Panasonic's.
3) Braun's shaver CANNOT be used in the shower. The 8109S can. In fact, it's fully immersible, if you feel like shaving underwater! :p
4) Braun's foil is straight, with a flexible head. The Panasonic's head is also flexible, but has a convex foil, which makes shaving under the neck much easier.
5) Both have a nifty cleaning mechanism for their shavers. To the best of my knowledge, the only way the Braun dries the shaver is with a heating element. The Panasonic not only dries your shaver with heat, but also a fan to really air it out. My shaver is bone dry once the drying cycle is over. Also, the cleaning solution for the Panasonic is alcohol-free, which prevents breakdown of plastics and water seals.
... I've owned three Norelco wet/dry shavers, and this is my third Panasonic. I gave the offering from Braun a hard look, but already knowing what kind of quality to expect from Panasonic for half the price, I decided shelling out crazy money for the Pulsonic just wasn't worth it. In the end, I not only saved money, but got my hands on a real gem of a shaver: easily the best I've ever owned, and the closest shave I've ever had. I highly recommend using this shaver with a glycerin-based shaving gel, such as those by Gilette or Nivea with MicroTec. Hands down, the closest shave you'll ever get in such a short amount of time.
By Jerome Wendt (Northern Illinois)
I was going to buy the Braun Pulsonic until I read the reviews here and on other Web providers. They convinced me the 8109 was worth the purchase. Note that this shaver is the same as their more expensive 8228 except for a wood trim and case color on the latter. Out of box set up took 10 minutes to read and do. Charged up fully in 30 minutes even tho literature says "up to an hour". Wet shaves are great but even dry this shaver is without pulling and takes little effort for a shave second only to a blade. Putting in a new cartridge every month for the cleaning system is a minor nag but you can also rinse in tapwater. With a great shave, the ability to go into the shower with you, and a price well below The Braun, Panasonic has the winner here. To be fair, I did not shave with the Pulsonic and took the recommendation of others who had.